League of Historic Theaters
has welcomed our membership and are continually responsive
to our inquiries. That conversion of historic theaters is
a widely successful eventuality, numerous models present.
City of New Bedford in City Council made a "Resolution
honoring the Orpheum Rising Project Helpers for initiative
in restoring the historic and beautiful Orpheum Theatre"December
20, 2007.
ORPH is represented by Partridge, Snow & Hahn LLP
of New Bedford and Providence, Attorney Lawrence D. Hunt,
pro bono.
ORPHaccountants are JED COHEN & COMPANY, P.C. of New
Massachusetts Historic Commission has concurred that the
building is eligible for the National Register.
Owner of Theatre is apparently willing to sell his property
to our organization. In November 2008 ORPH commissioned
an appraisal. Realworth Appraising & Consulting provided
a 46-page Summary Appraisal Report with an Estimate of Value
of the entire property at $750,000.
We have benefited from numerous conversations with Waterfront
Historic Area League, New Bedford Office of Economic Development,
and Massachusetts Cultural Council.
As a result of numerous fundraising events, and as a recipient
to United Way of Greater New Bedford mini-grants, we have
an increasing account balance.
In the Rope Light Tour of the 1912 theater, and in "PHANTOMS
of The ORPHEUM" we hosted over four hundred visitors.
ORPH Inc. maintains General Liability insurance through
Paul & Dixon Insurance Agency, LLP of New Bedford.
The project to acquire and adapt enjoys nearly unanimous
support from interested persons and relevant institutions.
organization known as Orpheum Rising Project Helpers has recieved
non-profit status and is a 501(3)c.
Theatres -Mayor Lang |
An Orphinc
sponsored rope light tour in October of 2007 offered the public the
first exposure to the Orpheum in decades.
ORPH Inc. Annual Meeting of
the membership was Thursday, February 25th at 6 PM in the
Ashley Room, City Hall, 1st floor.
